Monday, May 14, 2007

Fly fly away

Ask a ninja? What? Funny the first time, not so funny the second. But I looked up flights to Vienna...I just want to go home, you know? Oui...I miss my family. I have to write my blog on my own time and by the time I have finished with eating pastries, buying jewelry and playing with my dog in the gardens...well, I'm exhausted. So I am trying to blog right now on my lunch break, so I apolozize...pardon a moi merci...that they sound rushed. Because I am...right now I should be relaxing, reading a good book, but like I said, no time. Why don't they give us more time to learn these things. Just because I am "The Austrian" does that mean I shouldn't be given the same amount of time as everyone else to do thizzzz deux pont non!@!!!!!!! Alas.....

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Por Qua Grokker?????

Tisk Tisk...not enough time in my busy busy days to really enjoy this 2.0 but I did get to search zee Grokker for Julian of Norwich, quite a mentor for amazing female mystic from the 13th century whose "Revelations of Divine Love" inspires me, especially in these difficult times wiz mon France. But as I tune in to my BBC blog line my heart shudders, mon dieu. Till zee next time...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

For the first time!

Ooooo la la! Zis is my first time wiz zee blog. I like to say "zee blog." It is silly and makes me giggle. I am sure that you all will want to know about my petit adventures around the Versaille so I will make sure to make them so very very exciting! Tre bon! Au revoirs.